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Thread: God-Kings of Lotus

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    Troll in the Playground
    The Demented One's Avatar

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    Apr 2005

    Default Re: God-Kings of Lotus

    The Kri lunges at Rising Echo, moved by hunger. "Yes, thank you, yes, yes..." it mutters, gently taking Rising Echo's hand in its jaws. It bites down ever so slightly, taking care not to break the Minister's skin under its broad molars. Echo's anima flashes as essence flows from him to the spirit, revitalizing it. When it is done, it pulls back, leaving Echo's hand covered with essence-rich slaver. "Thank you. Much, much better." The spirit seems much more composed with its hunger momentarily abated.

    "I shall go explore the underground, and begin what tunneling I can. I will return at morning." Esse goes out, gracefully leaping out of Bronzeheart's door. It paws at the ground, before kneeling and deliquescing into the soil, becoming one with the earth. It roams beneath the ground, seeking out whatever might lie beneath. Meanwhile, the circle takes to sleep, resting in Ivory Eyes' plentiful beds.

    Morning comes, the sun spilling redness over the rainclouds. As you awake and breakfast, there comes a knocking at the door. Opening it, Ivory Eyes finds Esse, using his horns to knock. "Mistress, your tunnel is complete! Come, follow me!" It trots out, waiting for the circle to follow. It leads you to the very outskirts of the fields, having dutifully obeyed Ivory Eyes' injunction. The tunnel it has dug is a full nine feet in diameter, and slopes down at a comfortable angle of declination. The shaft is utterly dark, and what lies beneath is utterly unknown.
    Last edited by The Demented One; 2009-04-26 at 04:40 PM.
    I no longer actively read the forums, and probably won't respond to any PMs. I'm fine with people using my homebrew in anything, including fan-compilations and wikis, as long as you credit me.

    Homebrew by The Demented One.