Quote Originally Posted by Ghal Marak View Post
Presentation would mostly be light and carefree. I guess you could change it to be GRIMDARK, but thats for a different time.
It is kinda GRIMDARK already if you think about it... Humans are extinct, replaced by reploids so perfected that they can reproduce on their own, and even implant crudely made parts into themselves. The old mindless hunter and defender machines, with no human voice to tell them to stop, still hunt reploids as irregulars deep in the catacombs of the world, and the carbons have a society that requires them to brave those places just to keep their infrastructure afloat, but diggers still seem to get the worst end of the stick.

I bet it's because they're seen as dangerous eccentrics, that somewhere deep in their subconscious, carbons still fear the threat of irregulars as some sort of racial memory and marginalize their weirdos and lunatics, but keep them around only because they keep society going by forcing them to become diggers.