"To answer your last question, because Lady Ioun herself believes the ritual exists and if it does, it may be forgotten or hidden, perhaps within an ancient tome inside these very walls. Your work and dedication honor you, Duskmoon, and I ask the following without any kind of derision and you will know because I believe you to be easily intelligent enough to do so: Is there the possibility that you may have forgotten about or ignored tomes because they do not directly help your work? I only seek a peaceful solution to this exchange and you may mistrust us or have been warned by the fey, as evidenced by Esinokar's presence, so I can not do more than respectfully ask for permission to search for knowledge within Gloaminghold."

I'm not sure what this falls under, but I'll go for Insight, as it basically just asking about a possibility Duskmoon maybe hasn't considered yet because of his own motivation and trying to make him understand how and why Riya asks.

Insight check (1d20+27)[37]