Fascinating comic. I wonder how much of Ansom's change of heart is due to the Arkenpliers themselves and how much of it is due to Wanda putting her stamp on the decrypting?

Concerning Decrypted troops: I can think of one limitation that would readily make simply killing and Decrypting your troops a less than optimum move -- if they become unable to level like regular Uncroaked, that would do it. Ansom may be stuck at level 10 now and cannot advance; it would not make him useless but it would make him lose potential. In the case of mass Decrypting, it would definitely be problematic; far better 100 living level 2 soldiers that may ultimately become level 6, 7 or even higher level troops than 100 Decrypted level 2 soldiers that never get any better. After all, you can always Decrypt them once they do get killed.

Also, as mentioned it might not be possible to re-Decrypt a Decrypted once it gets killed again. That would be another big limitation right there.