"Ah yes. I knew this question was going to come around at some point." He sighed and seemed to sit up a little, his arms raising and steepling his fingers in front of his face. "The man Erdrik killed was, in our best estimation, not of our church and would have been dealt with accordingly. But we know nothing about Erdrik and can get no information about the death of his father. For all we know the man had just rubbed Erdrik the wrong way and Erdrik decided to take matters into his own hands." He drummed his fingers together and seemed to stare at nothing for a couple of seconds, then his hard eyes went back to bore inot Aelanis "The facts of the matter is that Erdrik killed a man in supposed cold blood in the middle of a street with a bunch of witnesses. He was to have the axe to his head by the end of the day. We stepped in only because we weren't sure of the man Erdrik killed. That is why he is here, and that is why he is under your command. Now," He then stood up, using his hands to push him out of hte chair. "If you will please," He gestured to the door. "I have important business to attend to. My servant will show you out." He then started off toward the door opposite the kitchen.

The servant's tea tray was on a nearby table and he was beside Aelanis without so much as a whisper. After Aelanis is dismissed, he says "THis way sir," rather briskly and heads towards the door. He formally bows Aelanis out and then closes the door behind his departing back.