Quote Originally Posted by The Old Hack View Post
Um, very small correction and no objection to anything else you wrote: Ansom is actually quoting Vinnie from here. Mind you, I find that interesting in and of itself: it could mean that Ansom's new attitude is based on doubts he might have been feeling even then.
It seems to me that Vinny is echoing Ansom's rant. So it's a quote of a paraphrase.... quoting and paraphrasing seem rather transitive to me.

I agree with you though. I think Ansom's vehemence was fueled by his refusal to accept the implications of the Titans' choice of non-royals to wield the 'tools.

BTW, Wanda makes the third case out of three of 'tools attuning to non-royals. Perhaps royals are simply incapable of attuning? I am of course making an assumption that Wanda is not a royal, but it seems likely.