Just when I finished typing this yesterday forum decided to die on me. Argh

Fortunately, I'm using FireFox so the phenomenon know as 'post eating' is pretty much unknown to me - this post survived two whole computer restarts and website suddenly dying

Okay, I don't know why one of the last two masons would out himself to try and lynch someone he wasn't sure of. But then again, if he isn't a mason, then you'd think someone would say so. It's not really a role it's easy to fake. And I guess it's entirely possible that Banjo is a mason *and* Trixie is a villager.

Well, the fact that Banjo is a mason is as likely as the fact I'm a wolf. That is, not very, but it is possible.

But then again, I've been trying to talk to Trixie privately and gotten absolutely nothing from him. Just "I've learned not to speak out or it will get me targeted." Which is kind of crappy logic - no villager should be more worried about their personal survival than the team win. But even now that the lynch mob is forming, he still won't say anything. Which is kind of odd.

You got absolutely nothing from me because (if you check the hours) it was well past midnight there so I decided to sleep and give you my points tomorrow morning, with fresh head. Yes, I could have thrown a few names at you but I wanted to doublecheck them.

Oh, and what is it - you people are sure enough to point at me, but not sure enough to enter that little wager? What's that? Are some of you wolves who knew I'm not one, but are pointing at me to make Team Good lose a day?

Jontom Xire, what about you, good ol' wolfie?

RabbitHoleLost it is, to help Team Good one last time