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Thread: Return of the Iron Star (IC Thread)

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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Return of the Iron Star (IC Thread)

    (OOC: I realize Horace is mostly a plot device, but I'll still do the talking for him, if that's okay... )

    As Adrian tells his tale, a raven hops up onto the table next to Desiree's ale. "I do love a good story," the bird murmurs to the healer. Turning to her beverage, the raven asks, "Are you going to drink that?" and without waiting for an answer, dips its head and takes a beakful of the foamy ale.

    "Ah, hello, Adennon," Horace says as he notices the bird. "How's your master doing?"

    "He's feeling better now," the raven replies in between gulps of ale. "He'll take lunch in his room again, though, if that's no trouble."

    "All right, then," says Horace with a nod as the bird drinks deeply.
    Last edited by TheCountAlucard; 2009-05-21 at 07:01 PM.