Quote Originally Posted by The Gremlin View Post
Yeah, but according to Keris's favorite rule, anything X 'wastes' his time on won't count in-canon. That's how he got away with the Incarnum Travesty.
The fact is, that rule was made ages ago. It's obsolete now.
Oh for Pete's sake...

As I pointed out before, I posted the rules not to say "Hah! I can do what I want, it says so here!", but as arguments in towards not dicarding my comic instantly because it messed with whatever plan had been made, a plan that decided the ending to FFF but most members of FFF had no imput on.

I have no objection to additional background material. It helps people greatly to determine what a character might do in their comic. However, I do object to forcing someone to read the entire FFF archive, the complete Wiki, all the Backstory Comics and most of the Discussion Thread before they can join.

And it's not my favourite rule. My favourite rule is Rule #1, if only because it's good advice in general.