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Thread: Erfworld 159 - tBfGK 146

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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Erfworld 159 - tBfGK 146

    Quote Originally Posted by Lamech View Post
    @BLANDCorporatio: How quick would you attempt this? Immediatly sounds like a bad idea. Air and ground defenses need to be reloaded, and the structures rebuilt; with a viel Stanley can hide for a long time. I would suggest waiting and then striking. I would also like to point out that others in the world will see a powerful weapon for what it is. A unified attack force will probably destroy GK; especially right now. The RCC didn't throw everything they had at GK, and they were not the whole world. I think it would be very wise to misrepresent the power of the pliers. For example, after coming out of hiding make sure you have some "corspes" in the "quene".

    Did that make any sense?
    I will venture a "no". Bear with me.

    What the former RCC members know is that they have sent a vast army to defeat Stanley. Not only did that fail, it failed utterly by getting all their units croaked. It is unlikely, if their leaders have any sense, that they will try to do this again any time soon.

    Based on this I conclude that Stanley will have several turns of respite in which to redevelop GK. I think this is not controversial.

    Further (and here just about everyone disagrees, but hey) I say that Stanley is in a position to grow his armies not only on what the restored GK will produce, but also on whatever neutrals/barbarians are around.

    Yet more (with yet more disagreement, but that doesn't stop me), I say that Stanley is actually able to knock out cities from neighbouring sides. Not all of them can be strong, he has the army to take a city, and with the pliers he will restore the cities he conquers quickly. Thus becoming able to take out capitals too.

    In conclusion, turtling is a wasted opportunity right now. Strike while the lava is still hot, you know.

    There'll probably be a coalition against him again, eventually anyway. But by then it will be too late.
    Last edited by BLANDCorporatio; 2009-05-09 at 03:41 AM.
    The whole point of this is lost if you keep it a secret.