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Thread: Erfworld 159 - tBfGK 146

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    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Wales, UK

    Default Re: Erfworld 159 - tBfGK 146

    I'm still saying that Parson will likely end up fighting the power he created, one way or another. What kind of a plot would it be if he simply commanded a huge army of super uncroaked, aided by power of 2 artifacts, against forces that just had been dealt a major blow?

    Anyway, does anyone else sense the conflict for Arkenpliers brewing? Will Stanley allow Wanda to keep them, or will he try to take them for himself, as he originally intended? If that happened, Wanda could just move out with her army to Faq (or anywhere else), and then Parson would likely end up fighting her.
    Last edited by MickJay; 2009-05-09 at 05:07 AM.