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Thread: Erfworld 159 - tBfGK 146

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    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Erfworld 159 - tBfGK 146

    Quote Originally Posted by Bookkeeper@Arms View Post
    A notion occurs to me ...

    Parson's 3D specs. His Warlord's Sword. His Mathamancy bracer. Where did they come from?!

    Are we to assume that the Cosmic Forces of Erfworld simply slipped them into his morning Stupid Meal just to rectify some imbalance? If that were the case, why aren't there more artifacts (the bracer has been classed as an artifact) running around?
    Ok, first no one is assuming anything. The breakfast box itself stated that the spell was correcting the problems with summoning a not quite perfect erfwarlord. It didn't fix an imbalance, it fixed a broken Parson. And the bracer is not an artifact, it's only a magic item. Sizemore only said that it might qualify as an artifact, not that it was.

    Still, ever since parson started getting items in his meal, I always wondered if the 5th arkentool might be hidden in the netherspace that food pops from. But gamewise, the food popping at dawn is just moneymancy. Converting money to anything is moneymancy in erf.

    In fact, why is Parson's food customized for him to resemble Earth food? Even Code Red Mountain Dew?
    For the same reason that Wanda gets sushi but stanley did not. Because the game pops culturally appropriate food.
    Last edited by ishnar; 2009-05-10 at 03:59 AM.
    "If I could just interrupt your stunningly dysfunctional group dynamic for a moment to interject." -- Erfworld