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Thread: Erfworld 159 - tBfGK 146

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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Erfworld 159 - tBfGK 146

    Quote Originally Posted by Bogardan_Mage View Post
    Dark Matter assumes you croak everything in the hex which you still refuse to address. If you're going to just assume that they'll automatically win every conflict (even if you say that you don't assume that), I'm just going to ignore it until you justify it. If you don't croak everything in the hex, they're allowed to attack when a hostile unit enters the hex. This has been shown (and referenced by Word of the Titans) repeatedly.

    The point is not that you kill everything, the point is that you don't use Wanda to attack. In that case, whatever enemy force remains will have no reason to do defensive fire on her, more so after doing defensive fire on the GK units that attacked at start-of-turn.

    (ADDED: about "everyhting the opponent loses": that means, anything you get to croak, not necessarily battles won. Yeah, in a battle the two sides will trade losses, as in units croaked on the field. With the Pliers they can be quickly restored to their previous fighting stats, only now loyal to GK. A very nice source of reinforcements.)

    Could be, but I doubt it. Parson had much more motivation to jump ship when he was losing. If he ever had the power to split, why do it now?
    That was a game, a challenge! This is a slaughter of what he starts to view as real people.

    Cheese works, but it makes for very bad storytelling on either side. Which I believe was your argument.
    So, you do see what I am arguing for.

    What we disagree on is whether GK has the power to unleash an oversized bucket of hurt on Erfworld. Fair enough, my argument has several steps and we are debating the very first one. "GK can do lots of cheese, more so this is its reasonable option, cheese makes for bad story-telling*, therefore GK will, by some plot action, either come to a state where said cheese is not an option or the protagonist switches sides/is switched".

    In a nutshell that's it.

    (*EDIT: the problem with nutshells is they lack nuance and I can just see a certain comment rearing its ugly head again. So a clarification.

    Up until now GK was desperate. Outnumbered 25 to 1, surrounded, nowhere for most of them to go to. Parson HAD to find exploits, and it was always a case that GK did not seem in a position to afford failure.

    Opinions, as they are wont to do, differ on this, but I say GK is far from desperate now. Quite the contrary.)
    Last edited by BLANDCorporatio; 2009-05-10 at 04:57 AM.
    The whole point of this is lost if you keep it a secret.