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Thread: Erfworld 160 - tBfGK 147

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Erfworld 160 - tBfGK 147

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeivar View Post
    Hm. Now I'm wondering if Wanda wasn't always so insidiously evil. It could be a case of gradual corruption of her character, after her severe miscalculation got her own kingdom wiped out. Living with guilt, despair, chafing under working for an idiot, failure after failure after failure . . .

    Yeah, that could break a person down, given enough time. And it might explain why Jillian had such firm faith in Wanda's better nature. Though I wish Wanda would mention Jillian, so we'd get a clearer picture of where the barbarian fits into all this.
    Because betraying both your own side (even if only by revealing its existence given that it's greatest defense is its invisibility) and your "ally" Stanley isn't evil. She deserves to feel guilty and more, I'd say.

    In all honesty, I'm somewhat disappointed to learn that its as, well, idiotically simple as this. Seriously, what good is fate if you need to do all that to make it happen? And didn't Wanda know about the predicted downfall of Faq? If there is no way around prophecies, I guess you immediately lose to Fate if you don't act directly to see a prophecy fulfilled.
    Last edited by DevilDan; 2009-05-14 at 03:02 PM.
    Quo vadis?