Searching the waters around the statue for the telltale signs of something hidden from view is surprisingly difficult. It doesn't seem as if there is anything there; even as you search with flight, nothing is apparent. Suddenly, though, Allys notices a strange creature, a dog of some sort, sitting out on the water, watching you. When you see it, it quickly turns and darts away, vanishing into a shimmering barrier of obvious magic. It is incredible that you didn't notice it before; apparently, the illusionist at work here is much more skilled than anyone you have yet encountered.

Floating forward to where your the dog vanished also seems to consume the front end of the Skiff, as if it was sailing into a vat of swirling dye. As you cross the threshold yourself, however, the effect isn't evident. Instead, a seawall seems to snap into being on either side of you, the ship moving through a gap in its protection. Ahead, many crates and barrels sit on the shore of a tiny islet, which rises from the water to a height covered in a grand keep. Near thecargo stands two people attended by several stone and wood constructs, all of whom seem to be waiting for you to arrive at the stone pier that juts into the water.

As you land, one of the elves at the water's edge greet you as the other guides the golems to secure your ship to the pier. "Hail the ship! I assume you have a message for Lord Duskmoon? It must be important to send someone in person instead of sending a messanger beast, so you should enter right away. Please, follow me, and I will take you to him in his study."

Once you have landed on the shores of Gloaminghold, the elf guides you into the manor. You are lead through long and mazelike corridors, up and down stairs, through countless doors, and across several bridges hanging over both pools where the sea has been allowed to flow in and greatrooms, before finally coming to the chamber your guide identifies as Duskmoon's study, though once you are within it looks more like a laboratory. Bookshelves line one of the walls, laden with books, scrolls, and curiosities from every conceivable exotic locale. Around it sit several large chairs and couches, rugs sitting under all of it, and a sizable table with several books sitting open on it. The other side of the room, where a regal-looking Tiefling man dressed in fine robes is working, is covered only in barren stone and the paraphenalia of an arcane workspace. Runes and magic circles cover many of the surfaces, a spellforge for making magical items takes up one corner, and alchemical apparati bubble with unidentifiable liquids.

Regardless of the layout, as you enter, the Warlock turns to face you. "You are fortunate to have finally pierced the seawall when you did. I just finished my experiments for the day. Why have you come? I rarely get visitors from beyond the color veil, particularly those of such... mixed company."