When you expected it the least, you find your three old companions, Vorr, Rache, and Erisa appears at the scene, looking for you.

You'd think 'bout going without us? No way I'm gonna miss this!
- declares Rache, while Erisa and Vorr nods in accordance.

While the spirits surround you, and slowly, but not violently forcing you to an alleyway, you spot another group appearing at the scene, at the other end of the street. Judging by their clothes and their appereance, you'd say that they are Shadow Thieves. But before you could do anything, a small group of the spirits surround them, and you only see a black flash, and hear an almost unearthly scream of death, and the Shadow Thieves left dead on the streets. Tanara, Jan, and Vorr can see their disfigured face in the darkness, but the humans of the party are saved from that view.

Cornered in the alleyway, you cannot retreat further, and the spirits start to close on you. You don't feel like they are gong to attack you, but even their close presence makes chill run up your spines, and you feel that they could even kill you without wanting to. But just before despair overwhelmed you, there is a flash of light right in front of you. You can see Drega Trajbu, the Sunlord appearing, and the restless spirits immediately back off, only stopping at a good 30 feet away from you, in a circle.