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Thread: Total War 2125, it never changes.

  1. - Top - End - #92
    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Default Re: Total War 2125, it never changes.


    The crowd cheers at the other two as well, if maybe a little less loadly than the cheers for Han.

    Shona waits and then held up a copy of the document, this one unsigned for the crowd to see "This paper is our will, and yours, made real. A treaty of such strength as to assure that the light of peace is lit, and make sure it stays that way"

    She placed the paper on the large table and lowered a elegant pen of Jade to the paper. The crowd is hushed as she signs the paper. Shona smiles and places the pen carefully on the document and steps aside.

    That depends on the nature of the research project. Could you perhaps explain what you have in mind?
    Last edited by Greystone; 2009-05-22 at 12:19 PM.
    She's Shona Han. Disappearing for a hundred years just means she's had a hundred years to plan. Trying to find out what happened to her is just going to draw her attention.

    Then it's a good thing Greystone can KICK REASON TO THE CURB AND GO BEYOND THE IMPOSSIBLE!
    - SurlySeraph