Quote Originally Posted by SurlySeraph View Post

The Grand Templar's aides prevent him from sending his first three drafts of his letter to the ABT (on the grounds that they are "too combative," "unnecessarily rude," and "going to get us all nuked," respectively. Finally, and after much cajoling, the Grand Templar agrees to let someone else write the letter for him. The final letter to the ABT is written by Archbishop Peter Manasan, the KHA's economic chief.

Thank you for your prompt reply, Mr. Ashford, of whichever generation you are.
Hawaii is a tiny and unimportant part of your empire. It brings you virtually no revenue, it isn't what people think of when they think of America, and it is isolated.
I do expect you could give us a hell of a fight if you bent your full might to that task. But for Hawaii? Is it worth risking even one of your precious enhanced soldiers for such a tiny string of islands?
Frankly, we want Hawaii more than you do. We pursue Pacific Unity the way you pursue profit. And with that in mind, perhaps we can work out a deal.
Anything but territory is on the table. Do you want ships, to make sure your soldiers can actually get to their destinations? We can do that. Do you want training grounds to make your troops even better? We have plenty of empty islands that fit the bill. Do you want cash? Because Hawaii is worth very much to us. Enough for even a man as rich as you to consider the offer. Believe me, we can get the money. Food? Renewable energy technology? We can give you the means to make even more wealth for yourself.
The Archbishop has instructed me to say that he's sorry we got off on the wrong foot. He doesn't want a war, just Hawaii. Name your price.

"I also apologize for my.. Rude... Reply. But, please understand that A.B.T has already recieved news of planned war against it, and we have to put up, or shut up as is to get any respect in the world. We are willing to negotiate for Hawaii, but you must understand if the price is steep. It is our only buffer against a naval attack against the far east, or any of it's allies. If we were to sell Hawaii to you we would require you to sign a non agression pact with us. Hawaii is far too close to our shores to allow for anything else. Also, on the note of renewable energy. Do you refer to Solar, Wind, and Hydrogen energies, or something more advanced. We do have abit of a dependency on a dwindling oil supply, and fixing our energy dependency is worth the cost of Hawaii, and would greatly improve upon our nations morale to know that we are now 100% American supported in our most vulnerable area."