Quote Originally Posted by EvilDMMk3 View Post
V-P Eric duTrapp smiled as Alexis Ashford stepped towards him. He showed her into the main meeting room where a light lunch had been laid on. "This is just a quick bite, the official reception is tomorrow afternoon, to give you time to settle in you understand. Executive President Heinrick VonSmith and Chief conflict analyst Marie Peterson will be there. If you like I can arrange for you to be given a tour of you embassy."

Meanwhile Klaus Bernard's jet has touched down in America. Klaus unfolded his briefing list to check the details, put on his dark grey suit jacket, straightened his hair and then stepped out of the plane.
A.B.T Headquarters, Nevada, formerly Las Vegas.

A younger man with swept back blond hair, and a set of black shades, walked up to Mr.Klaus, his crisp black suit's coat tails fluttering in the wind as the normally windy plains of Nevada pushed a gust through the area.
"Welcome to A.B.T International Headquarters Mr.Klaus. Come, we have a light brunch made for you waiting inside."


Alexis nodded meekly, and sipped a little bit of whatever drink was available, but otherwise avoided the food. After a relatively silent lunch, Alexis perked up and said to Mr.Du Tapp.
"So, what issues would you like to discuss Mr.Tapp?"