Looking at the groups in the tavern you notice little apparent hierarchy. Most people seem to either independent mercenaries or roughly democratic mercenary bands and any honorary names seem to have been lost in the cups

Celestica speaks the words and the world begins to swirl at a rapid speed. Suddenly the direction of the swirl reverses itself and after clearing you vision you find yourself in a room with pure white walls. There is an ornamental archway behind a desk in front of you and the the right from you. In a chair behind the desk is a blond haired halfling, about 3'1ft tall an wearing regal red and yellow robes. He greets you raising his hand "Hello. I just teleported you to the Krimm base. I am Karava. Something of a reception desk manager in this place" He smiles What Should I call you?

The halfling woman hands you two finely crafted glasses and a bottle, filled with about 1/6 gallons of hazy dark brown liquid This particular wine is made of Astral Haze Berries. Gathering them is quite a feat. It's very valued among Sigil's nobles. The halfling puts the coin into a box.
The wine tastes tastes a little sweet and it foams up a bit in your mouth. For some reason it also shifts in a variety of tastes marking a very exotic berry. As you enjoy the wine a gruff shout is heard "Maj! Who 'ere is Maj" A dwarf comes up to you, dressed in a dark vest and pants. He is somewhat wrinkled and has a dark brown braided beard. He thinks for a moment and say "You Maj? If ye are then come look at tha contract" He takes a lon glook at your bottle of wine "Unless yer too much in yer cups to do that."

The halfling serves another person, apparently a tiefling and then turns to you "Wait for someone to get you to look at the contract I think. Karava marks you all in and there's a lot of people who's job is to get people from here to negotiate the contracts."