Frankenstein's Monster

Brushing away from Jack, the monster continued to speak to Dr. Van Helsing in German. "Cogito ergo sum, Herr Doctor." he replied. "<I don't know if I am human, if I have what you'd call a soul, or if I am just the sum of my parts. However, I think, I feel, I bleed. I can't find any evidence that I am that much different from you. Don't my earliest, misguided days I did monstrous things of which I will forever be ashamed, but you cannot judge me. Only He can, should I be fortunate enough to meet Him one day.>" he said, pointing solemnly at the Bible that Van Helsing clutched.

"<I suppose I can say something no one else living on this earth can. I have met my creator, seen him, talked to him, and then destroyed him in righteous and misguided anger. He would like that sentiment...he always did fancy himself a martyr and liked to play at being God. But Doctor Victor Frankenstein wasn't a god. He was a brilliant fool. He knew that before he died. So, I am left to wonder if the God of Moses, Isaac, and Abraham will have me when my time comes. Or if I will wander this place forever. It's a terrifying thought, isn't it?>" the monster smirked and put his hood back up, hiding from the staring eyes again.