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Thread: Gotei 13 In the Playground

  1. - Top - End - #361
    Dwarf in the Playground
    MageSparrowhawk's Avatar

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    Oct 2007
    Void between realities

    Default Re: Gotei 13 In the Playground

    "Don't worry about me, I won't die. And thanks for the thoughtfulness. I wouldn't want it on your conscience that you were the cause of my injuries." Koujin smirked. "Not that they'd be severe or anything." He resheathes his sword and crosses his arms. "I am very curious as to why you aren't joining us. Please elaborate if you would."

    "And Toshiko? er.. How about you head back and report in to Captain Ryuuji and find out what the plan is. Yeah. I'll meet up with you in a bit."