Quote Originally Posted by Haruki-kun View Post
Ryuuji nods to Siegfried and Kiljaeran.

"Assuming the others can catch up, I will begin the briefing.

I have been assigned to lead a Reconnaissance mission to the world of the living in order to gather information on our enemies' moves. Confrontations with the Espada may arise at any point, in which case we will have no choice but to face them in open battle. However, it should be noted that our primary objective is neither offense nor defense, but Recon.

As I will be held responsible for the team, anyone joining will need to respond to me and follow my orders for the duration of the mission, whether or not
you are members of the Tenth Squad, and even if we share the same Rank." He glances as quickly and politely as he possibly can to the other Captains present, very sure that they'll understand.

"Once we arrive on Earth, we will divide into smaller groups in order to cover more ground. All information is to be turned in to me or my Vice-Captain, as we will be in charge of relaying it to the Ninth Division's News Magazine.

Any questions?"
Shirubaru and Koujin shunpo into existence at this moment.

Sorry we're late, says Shirubaru loudly. Didn't want to miss the fun. Koujin has an idea.

Koujin's plan:

We can create Senkai gates quite easily, forging a temporary path between the living world and the soul society. What I propose to do is create a semi-permanent gate that would allow us to move back and forth quickly. There would have to be a standing presence on both sides of the gate, but it would allow for quick reinforcements to either side.
What do you think?