Dmitri utters something incomphrensible to Dante, but he appears to be happy.

Quickly, horses--they are alive?

Going to be AFK for most of today, but here is what Dmitri will suggest. Quietly make their way to the other wagon and stay out of sight (if possible--don't know the arragement of our enemies...).

If the horses are alive, Dante drives and Dmitri gets in the back. He'll find his longbow and begin to put on his armor (hopefully...). Dante gets the horses galloping as hard as he can away from the goblins. If any pursue on foot, we'll leave them behind. If any try to take the second wagon, Dmitri can shoot the driver from their wagon. If the dragon begins to chase, Dante can ready an action to make an obscuring mist. If the mist travels with us, keep running. If the mist stays in one place, stop the wagon, get out and head into the trees (with any arms and armor we can recover), still running as hard as we can away from the goblins and spooking the horses so that they'll keep galloping down the road. I really had intended to just fluff the vodka and bandage as first aid, but if the wagon persists in following, Dmitri can make an improvised Molotov cocktail and throw it to set the other wagon on fire.

How's that sound?