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Thread: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

    John Walker
    John Walker emerged from the alley just in time to spot Dr. Van Helsing climb aboard a coach and head somewhere not the direction of the docks. Judging from the disposition of the rather inebriated coach driver, John decides to follow along at a distance and keep an eye on the good doctor.

    John Walker spent several minutes following a drunken cab that had made 2 left turns, 3 right turns and then 4 left turns. It was quite dizzying, but you have to learn to keep your bearings in the bengalan jungle, and John Walker didn’t have too much trouble figuring his way around. Fortunately the driver was content to move about at a leisurely pace, otherwise John wouldn’t have been able to keep up with the carriage.

    The coach finally came to a stop, and let Van Helsing out, and he began arranging his luggage, as if he was awaiting another ride. Ten or so minutes passed by, and John decided to help the good doctor out, and get out of the rain. So causally he appears down the road form Van Helsing and walks towards him, making sure to make enough noise so as to not catch the doctor by surprise. There’s an old jungle saying: “he who walks softly also walk swiftly.”

    Stepping up to Van Helsing, he stops and says,

    “Excuse me good sir, do you happen to have a match? Mine are absolutely drenched”. His accent is American but very neutral in origin. He stands a good 6’4, with broad shoulders and is heavily muscled in the chest and arms. He wears a typical business suit underneath a black duster and a wide brimmed hat, keeping the rain off his head.

    Here I was typing out a big long post about how The Phantom influences the life of Oliver Twist, and some one has to go and change things. oh well.

    [edit] he also grew about 4 inches, but i think it fits him since he's very strong for a normal human, and he is a man of action after all.
    Last edited by TheThan; 2009-06-01 at 07:09 PM.