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Thread: Sbodd's RHoD - a quick side entry

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    Troll in the Playground

    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Default Re: Sbodd's RHoD - a quick side entry

    So, actions=what he said. Probably want to avoid the road, moving slowly because of Dmitri's injuries, and on constant look-out for enemies (who, if I have any say in the matter, we won't engage).

    As soon as we get a safe distance, I'm going to ask Dante to help me get into my armor. If we "stumble" upon Natasha, I'll throw my pack onto her, otherwise, I'll have to empty some things off my sheet to maintain a "light load" (these things I will bury at our camp, so as not to leave a trail for goblins). If we actually arrive somewhere that doesn't involve other PCs by nightfall, I'll want to set a watch and do some things, but I'll wait for your say on what happens Sbodd.
    Last edited by Barbarian MD; 2009-06-04 at 01:58 PM.