"Ah, there's a lotta transmutashun an necrahmancy just hangin' round heah. Ah fink dat;s wha killed dat plant. Tha guard's r all shot up wit necrahmancy, Ah wouldn' doubt 'at whatevah did dis mightah reanimated 'em. Eitha tha' r they jus' shot 'em up wit' enough negahtive enahgy tah rot 'em out from da inside out. If ah could ask, officah, a full autopsy would be great. There's some necrahmancy in da archives, but ah can't place why dat would be there. Thar is some transmutation sittin 'round tha vents, I fink 'at might be why tha' mist is 'round 'ere, mighta been poisoned ta kill this guy out 'ere. The guard 'as some transmutation round 'im too. I fink 'at 'e mighta been shapeshifted ta break inta tha vault, then poisn'd when 'e wasn' useful. Tha most importan' fing is tha vault tho. One a those storage compartments 'ad a powahful magic item in it bafore. Maybe even an ahtifact. Seven rings ah 'nchantments, abjuration an conjahration. Sah someone was summonin sumfin powahful an keep it in dat vault."