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Thread: OOTS #658 - The Discussion Thread

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    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Default Re: OOTS #658 - The Discussion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by SadisticFishing View Post
    It's one of those moments that the main character is shot. In the heart. And you're to blame. And then he survives... wait, what?
    Psh, you give love a bad name.

    Anyways... Three potions, still looking INCREDIBLY beatup, just having been choked by someone strong enough to carry a (very large) rock earlier.. runs off, and gets hit by the big bad's ROCKET LAUNCHER. And survives. Doesn't.. click for me.
    Well the missing piece of data is simple: They were NOT hit. Here's some examples of how Rich has depicted being hit.

    656 complete hit in the 4th pannel, smoking in the fifth with blanked skin


    442 hit in second to last panel, blanked skin in the last

    Now check out 658

    Please pay special attention both to the fact that no fireball physically hit them as well as the complete lack of physical damage that Rich has used to describe a sucessful hit. It may seem improbable, but thems the fact. Xy missed and Gredo shot first

    Seriously though, it's not that they got hit by big bad rocket launcher, it's that the rocket landed next to them and they got thrown by the blast. Damaging? Yes. Fatal? Nope. And as Ethan would point out, not dying from a blast is cinematic gold
    Last edited by abishur; 2009-06-06 at 01:06 AM.