As her reiatsu exploded with the first release of her bankai, Akako's blade disappeared completely as it dissolved into red-gold dust that swirled around her. As she held out her limbs, gold scale armor materialized over her body with red decorative streamers billowing in the breeze. But that was not the only change that manifested.

Though her own Reiatsu was impressive, it was no longer the only one present. As the red-gold dust flew around her it multiplied til it was a large cloud of the fine spirit particles. Suddenly it conformed into a solid shaped that flashed brightly with gold light. There curled around her was Ryu, the dragon spirit of her zanpakuto. The beast was an immense creature covered in red-gold scales and large butterfly wings that displayed gaudy shades of red and glittering gold. It's shape was decidedly of the Chinese dragon with a long serpentine form.

She turned to look at the presence she suddenly felt, her startling blue eyes gazing from beneath the visor of her skull-cap helmet. "Captain..." She looked like a heroine from ancient tales.