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Thread: The Bane of Mossflower - REDWALL!

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    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    New Orleans, LA

    Default Re: The Bane of Mossflower - REDWALL!


    The old fox gave a quiet nod, evidently waiting to be asked just such a question. "Certainly. The friar had just prepared these, and asked me to take some over to you here." His eyes briefly ran over the Abbot's drenched clothes. "A bit of trouble with the young ones, I take it?" he chuckled.

    Vesper set down two glasses, pouring tea for himself the abbot, before gently setting himself down upon the grass. He drank deeply from the cup, before suddenly taking notice of the young hedgehog and his charge.

    "Oi! Why don't you young fellers sit over here with the abbot and myself? There's plenty here for all of us, and its a fine day for a picnic." He looked up at the blue sky, with its white puffy clouds. "Never got weather like this on campaign." He mumbled to himself.
    Last edited by Falconer; 2009-06-07 at 10:30 PM.