Federation "fully committed" to peace in Balkans

With the understanding that Countries east and north of Poland are unlikely to rebel to place themselves under an fanatical religious autocrat of a foreign religion, almost the entire Federal army has been deployed to aid the Balkan governments. The Naval forces in the Grecian islands move to cut off any revolting islands and contribute their marine divisions to aiding the Provisional government there. In Croatia, the entire Italian command and most of the original Balkan one is deployed to aid the government and any pro-Federation partisans, then regroup. The Scandinavian and Baltic commands, having completed their mission goals, are to meet up in Southern Ukraine and proceed and secure Serbia before regrouping. the Naval forces not in Greece are assigned to carry out a naval blockade of Bosnia.


Balkan/Italian Command: 2 divisions proceed as detailed above, detainee's are to be shipped to be held indefinably in high-security prisons in Central Europe until order can be maintained

Scandinavian/Baltic command: 3 divisions: same as above pretty much

Grecian Navy deployment: 1: as above, contain any island rebels and attempt to blockade them, but most importantly seal of the straights of Istambul and destroy the bridge across it. Keeping supplies form Anatolia from Europe is of the highest priority. Also, see if some of that anti-Turkic pro-Greek rage can be incited.

Bosnian Naval Deployment:1: small passage, should be pretty simple to seal off, any unused ships are redeployed to Grecian deployment

Air force:2: conduct bombing runs on supply points and any military infrastructure in Serbia and Albania, attempt to establish aerial superiority over Balkans.