Quote Originally Posted by the_Q View Post
See, but here's the reality: Dogs don't do anything for you at all. We all might like to think they do, but they don't. Not intentionally.

They suck up to you not because they like you or anything, but because it benefits them. They don't form a bond with their owners, they just know that their owners won't kill them and will feed them. If you die and are replaced, dogs will notice, but worry about themselves rather then you and worry that the new guy might not feed them the same way.

Cats might not care as well, but at least they admit it. Sort of.

And yes, my cats have cheered me up in the past. A lot more then my past dogs have. *&^%#ing mutts.
...Q, did you remember to take your medication this morning?

WTF are you talking about...?

I'm sure you're going to continue and say that World War II never really happened, and it was all a conspiracy to try to get people to hate Germany and Japan for no reason... Or maybe that the Swine Flu was started by a racist government with civilians resistant to it as an attempt to kill off the rest of the world.