There was a large thunder in the distance as the broken villagers gathered once again to decide what to do with Recaiden. He appeared to be protected by the same girl that had protected Kyouhen.
They could not understand what was going on exactly, the murders; the kami… why was all this happening?

They had somehow managed to find Recaiden again. He had tried to escape Kyou but had been caught by the guards. But no one dared hurt him as they still remember what had happened last time.

“What are we going to do with him?” One of them finally asked glimpsing back at Recaiden that was sulking in the corner of the room, watched by two guards.

“Not the slightest idea, I say we just keep him here, and then he can’t hurt us right?” A loud creak made everyone inside the house to pay attention to the door that suddenly flew open.

“Allow me” said a cloaked figure standing in the doorway, “I know how to deal with this girl.”

The ones closest to the door backed away, nervously looking at each other, “By the kami, who are you to come here and make demands? Show yourself and w-“

The others looked at the suddenly quiet speaker that suddenly collapsed on the floor. “Don’t worry I think he is still alive, just out of breath.”

Recaiden whimpered in his corner, as one of the guards looked at him again he could see that he was no longer there. In his place was a young blond girl, she continued to whimper as the cloaked person came closer, none of the villagers dared to stop him.

The guards having no idea what was going on found themselves backing away from him as he came closer, he stopped right in front of whimpering girl.
“So here you are… commander of the spirits, whimpering.”

“Please, don- don’t hurt me, I didn’t know…”

She cloaked figure shrugged “Dose it look like I care?”

There was suddenly a tension in the air and the girl let her mouth open as to scream, but no sounds were made. Her eyes slowly filled with tears, then with blood, then the very soul – the whole wrung inside out, dripping down into a black puddle on the floor.

There were screams, but not from the girl but the ones that had watched her die. The cloaked figure paid them no heed and gently walked outside again.


Arik stepped out outside again, the day was nearly over but he had done what was needed here, he had gained all the powers he needed to bring her back and make it all better again, even better than before.

Following him was the soul of two servants of different gods, a dead god and finally a spirit speaker. He turned to Allyria smiling, “Did you think that was all I was going to do with you? You will never stop paying for even being involved in her death as will everyone else. You will be my little puppet. Now puppet, make the spirits dace for me…”

“Yes… master…” Allyria the puppet said and then did her masters will.

Recaiden was lynched, he was Allyria (Day baner). Arik have now gained her power and thus completed his victory condition. Now he only need to survive to the end of the game.

Night starts and ends in 24 hours