Belatedly, Israel Reacts to Turkish Revolution

Pundits have been surprised by Mapai's complete silence on the topic of the Islamic revolution in Turkey. This was regarded by many as a curious example of realpolitik. The Republic of Turkey was a west-leaning non-Arab military power; perhaps the only one aside from Israel in the region. Relations were cordial though not close.

The Holy Ottoman Empire, on the other hand, is perhaps less viable as a friend, at least ideologically. They are a monarchy, where Israel is staunchly democratic. They are religious, where Israel is secular. Their claiming of the title Caliph strongly suggests that they will want to eliminate the State of Israel. So why has Mapai not responded? Why did they not oppose the revolution, even a little?

Well, the revolution was very fast. It was also suspiciously well funded. Further, any action by Israel would likely have been jumped on by the Arabs, leading to another war or worse. Ottoman control in the aftermath was solid; no counter-revolution seemed possible.

So now, in the face of a religious and Muslim, but still non-Arab, Turkey, Israel can do little but extend greetings, and hope that Istanbul will now recognize the state. Who knows? They may even be possible allies.