
The paladin sheathed his blade and addressed the elven woman with a bow. "I am Sir Durendal, Holy Paladin of Pelor. I promise you and all our companions that I shall protect you within that tomb, to my dying breath if necessary."

Durendal knelt on one knee before the gathered group and spoke in a solemn voice, "By Pelor's will, so long as I hold true to the virtues of humility, prudence, and grace, so shall I grant Pelor's blessings to all those that walk with me on the paths of light. To my allies, I promise healing and protection from mortal dangers. To my enemies, I promise swift retribution with my holy blade. So long as I live, all evildoers need fear the sword of justice, and so long as Pelor is with me, I shall never rest until Justice reigns supreme." With that vow, he rose from the ground and stood silent, awaiting the trials to come.

As long as you remain within 25 ft of me, you receive +3 Insight bonus to AC. If you remain within 30 ft of me, you receive +2 Sacred bonus to Will saves, +2 Sacred bonus to Ref saves, and Evasion if you're wearing light or no armor.