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Thread: Tomb of Horrors, Party 2

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    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    The middle of the earth.

    Default Re: Tomb of Horrors, Party 2

    A tall, furry figure steps forwards from one of the shadowed corners of the tavern. He wears a long black billowing robe but from the clinking sound of his walk he wears some sort of mail beneath. He has piercing green eyes, that stare out at the guard captain from beneath his large sloping brow. His face is covered in fur which hangs long from his chin in a pointed beard and his large pointed ears extend past the top of his head. His voice is a low rumble and he speaks slowly and deliberately.

    "I am known as Gaznak." He announces to no one in particular. "I will be joining you on your delve into the tomb. I weild forces spawned in the dank pits of the Abyss and seek to posses this "demilich's" power for myself. I will crush my enemies and see them driven before me! So... it would be wise to make sure I continue to consider you all my allies..."

    He shuffles over to the feral looking Raig, eyeing the ring and rod. "I should be able to unlock these treasures latent magic... That is of course, if no one has any objections..." His eyes dart quickly between the other adventurers.
    Last edited by Tevin; 2009-06-18 at 02:40 PM.