If they aren't a playable race, their level adjustment is LA: —.

I can see where you were going with losing pounce and rake. No biggie I was just curious as to why they lost those special abilities.

I think these should advance as rangers and you should pick spells available to rangers. Detect thoughts is not on the ranger list but alarm and calm animals are. Instead, give them detect snares and pits. Confusion and suggestion aren't on the Ranger list either so you should probably pick more appropriate spells. Snare is a good spell. In fact, snare should probably only be useable once per day. The other spells could be 3 times per day.

I also recommend giving them Dex 18 and Str 15 since in comparison to wemics they'd be more dexterous but not a strong. This also better reflects the base creature's stats.

Just a few more suggestions.
