You are halfway across the hall whem a burly human stops you in the middle of the before-deserted corridor: "What're you doing here, eh? I don't like the looks of you, could be a spy for the Auralians. So, what do you have to say for yourself?"
As the green-clad man speaks, you are surrounded by 5 more of the Watch, all pointing their weapons at you.

The heavily-armored Fighter answers: "Wow, you are new. Anyway, the barracks are in The Government District, straight North of here, they're the big building in the North-West"

The barkeep looks at you skeptically but then answers: "I suppose so, if you did something big, why, what're you planning?"

As you near the entrance to the Barracks you are greeted by the sight of about 50 men and women, mostly Humans and Dwarves, but some Half-Elves, Half-Orcs and Gnomes, in varying degrees of battle-readiness. Assembled in fornt of a lecturn, where a tall Human clad in dark green and with two axes across his back stands eyeing them all.
OOC: Your bit has ended pretty much until everyone else gets there, though you can talk to the other recruits if you wish

As you approach the large building that is the Barracks you observe a large crowd about 50 strong, of a mix of races and with varying amounts of armor and weaponry. They are all assembled in front of a lecturn, where a tall Human clad in dark green and with two axes across his back stands eyeing them all.
OOC: Your bit has ended pretty much until everyone else gets there, though you can talk to the other recruits if you wish

You follow the guard through quite a few streets while he talks to you about how you "made the right choice there", you fall in to the Barracks' large courtyard behind an elf with a Longbow slung across his back and you see a large crowd about 50 strong, of a mix of races and with varying amounts of armor and weaponry. They are all assembled in front of a lecturn, where a tall Human clad in dark green and with two axes across his back stands eyeing them all.
OOC: Your bit has ended pretty much until everyone else gets there, though you can talk to the other recruits if you wish

3 down, 3 to go (don't worry, i'm only railroading you until you're all together in a party