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Thread: Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil

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    Ettin in the Playground
    Shhalahr Windrider's Avatar

    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    By a Park

    Default Re: Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil

    Temple of Elemental Evil: Planting 9, Early Afternoon

    (( Initiative
    1. Pyro (1d20+9=23)
    2. Hobgoblins (17)
    3. Xaod (16)
    4. Lor (1d20=7)

    Round 1–4
    Both Lor and Xaod immediately begin to scale down the wall. Unfortunately haste causes both to lose their grips as they go over the edge (( Lor: Climb:1d20-1=1, 1d20-1=8, 1d20-1=9, 1d20-1=5; Failed first check; Check includes armor penalty; 8 falling damage )).

    They pick each other up and then begin to run where they can meet Pyro.

    "Well! So much… for… stealth!" Pyro breathlessly declares as she meets her comrades halfway to the wall. She quickly turns around, ready to engage the enemy alongside her allies.

    Two of the hobgoblins close within striking distance, but they keep on their guard, obviously ready to strike anything that gets near.

    However, the one in the back is too busy trying to catch up to assume a defensive stance as he closes in.

    Xaod matches the caution of the nearest hobgoblin, keeping his distance and waiting for it to make the first move.

    Meanwhile, Lor takes advantage of the straggler's distraction, quickly cutting him down.

    Round 5
    Pyro follows Xaod's lead, sticking close to the paladin.

    One of the hobgoblins attempts to attack Xaod, but gets quickly cut down himself.

    The remaining hobgoblin chooses to retreat.

    (( New Initiative (Due to Xaod's readied action)
    1. Pyro (1d20+9=23)
    2. Xaod (17+)
    3. Hobgoblins (17)
    4. Lor (1d20=7)

    (( Alright, let's try this new map thing out with a real test run: Map #1
    Will include a map key link sometime soon. ))

    Moathouse: Planting 8, Late Evening

    Round 10 (cont.)
    Megiddo catches up with the rest of the group, and Grigor gains a bit of breathing room from the spider and ghoul. As Grigor does so, he begins to sing again, inspiring all within earshot.

    Haunor gets to where he can see what's going on.

    Mair pursues the ghoul and slashes it, biting deep into its shoulder.

    Kevril, Rein, and Eckhard hang back, apparently wary of getting in the way of Tell's chain.

    The ghoul fully breaks off of combat, cautious not to leave any openings (( Withdraw )), and follows the cleric, stopping at the closed door.

    (( Tell, do you wish to continue to pursue the ghoul? The withdrawl negated any chance at an attack this turn, since you have to double move to catch up. But if you want to switch your attention to the spider, you can reach that. ))

    (( Map #147 ))
    Last edited by Shhalahr Windrider; 2009-06-28 at 03:07 PM. Reason: Code Typo
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