((Respectful correction: Jacob currently has 4 HP and will take 5 damage at the end of his turn. Damage goes into the damage pool first, sort of like DR. He needs at least 2 points of healing to stay conscious.))

Jacob clenches his teeth with a snarl. Hadn't expected him to turn around that fast. Can't give him a chance to hit me like that again! Readjusting his grip on his spiked chain, Jacob whirls it as he lines up a shot. Roaring with feroicity, he throws his weight forward ((5-foot step)) and pins everything on this strike.

Crusader Strike
Attack bonuses: +1 Ferocious Counterstrike, +2 Flanking (Jat's stance only works on adjacent enemies, hence the step)
Attack Roll: (1d20+6)[9]
Damage bonus: +1 Ferocious Counterstrike
Damage Roll: (2d4+4)[10]
On a successful hit, Jacob will receive (1d6+1)[3] healing