
Hurler Burrow

Jarek nodded.

"- We can try."

The group left the road and stopped near a small cave. The spirit talker sat down and asked his apprentice to prepare the ingredients. He then asked the Elder Sister to sit in front of him. When she felt ready, Jarek started the communion.


After leaving her body, the first thing the Sister noticed was the large number of spirits roaming the hills. Then, as she turned her attention to the sky, she noticed a patch of utter darkness right above Hurler Barrow. Dark tendrils extended from this gap, reaching down in the city. Jarek soon joined her and the two walked up the hill. Once inside, they were surprised to find how lightly populated Hurler Barrow really was. Well, if you counted only the living inhabitants. The dead must have outnumbered them five to one. The spirits appeared much like ghostly humanoids, while the living appeared only as dark blurs.

"- See big circular building? It is a temple. Must be ogre sacred city. Here, shadows strong. Death is not far, either. I can smell it."

As the Sister approached the central temple, she felt a force repel her. It was getting more and more difficult for her to continue. But she did, as she knew the answer was just on the other side of those walls. The air was charged with magic.

But it was no use. The two were brutally sent back to their bodies.


When the men returned to the site, the lupine armies were gone. However, the scouts estimated that it would be possible to catch up with them by taking another, faster route. It seemed like the Hradani knew the hills better than these wolfmen. Still, they had no idea where the legion was heading.

Back in their homeland, the Hradani caught a druid of the Baradans - one of the few druids to have journeyed to the steppes - trying to steal the samples of slime.