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Thread: Rise from the Ashes IC

  1. - Top - End - #321
    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Default Re: Rise from the Ashes IC

    "- It would be too long to explain to you the importance of each variable. The situation is much more complex than you imagine.

    Of course I know that you don't care about that slime. However, the Baradans may be interested. You have one fact wrong, though; I have not lived with you long. I simply took the shape of this man to study your kind.

    It is not about you dying. It is about you being born in the first place. And many other things."

    The druid grinned. Now, his magical disguise was fading, and he was revealed to be a monstrous humanoid, its body covered in moss and vines. His face was still vaguely human.
    Last edited by Kaiser Omnik; 2009-06-29 at 12:47 PM.