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Thread: Rise from the Ashes IC

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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Default Re: Rise from the Ashes IC

    The Meeting
    Quote Originally Posted by Archpaladin Zousha View Post
    Barada waits for the others to speak their piece before rising.

    "First of all, I would like to be the first of my people to greet the newcomers who have joined us.

    We have brought the Hradani here. We have made bargains with them for defense in exchange for teaching. My people have invited them to join our alliance, but we were wondering if perhaps the Lady would be willing to extend an invitation herself, as she is the one who makes the decisions.

    I am interested in meeting these Saradites that have been introduced to us. I believe that our allies from the Order of Narade have been working to secure new allies as well, am I right?"
    The Matriarch nodded, a weak smile on her lips.
    "-That's correct, Bountiful One. The Order makes a point of honor to maintain good and solid relations with all tribes and people. The Saradites are indeed the goal of an expedition we sent South a few years ago."

    She cleared her throat before going further.
    "-As for the Hradani, me and my sisters wish to support their membership. Not that we know anything about them but they have some... skills that we need right now. This allows me to warn you, my Lady, of a growing threat. A threat most around this table are already aware of.

    The Lupines and the Ogres, two peoples living near our lands, are at war against one another. I don't have the last updates about the situation but the Lupines are about to commit a genocide and we, the Order, have no way to prevent it. We are peaceful and our meager forces, beside zeal, lack everything that make a true warrior. I fear our diplomatic efforts are to fail in this matter. We agreed with the Baradans and the Black Bastion to create a army...however, as our liege, it should be your duty to help us."

    Hurler Burrow

    "-Damn it !! So close !!"

    The Elder Sister turned towards her escort
    "-Go back to our nearest outpost !! Tell everyone to ready themselves !! Unless I succeed, war might be upon us soon. We must be ready to defend those who've laid their lives in our hands !!"

    This being said, she turned to Jarek :
    "-Your brothers and these Ogres are both about to cross a line beyond which no peace might be possible. The worst thing is, I don't know who I shall trust. But if this is the biggest stronghold of the Ogres, then hundreds of refugees, maybe thousands, are waiting inside. The massacre will turn against you every single tribe of every single people and race. Do you really think the Lupines can handle this ?"

    Without waiting for an answer :
    "-I'll go inside. You go talk to your warlords or whoever is in charge. If I'm not back by sunset, that will means you're right. I'll die trying to slow their ritual. But you must delay the assault until then. Thank you for everything, Jarek."

    And she ran, notes of an intense purity raising in the air as she began to chant, using the Spellsong to project empathy toward all listinening. Doing so, she tried to reach the front gates.
    Last edited by Johel; 2009-06-29 at 03:40 PM.