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Thread: The Concordium

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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Falconknight06's Avatar

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    Prosser, WA

    Default Re: The Concordium

    Aye Lazarus, I'm fairly certain I coul take a young Dragon. Not many of my spells destroy bodies. so there will be enough of them left to use as you see fit. I would like to wait for Zephyr's return before we attack. He is passing out some fliers for me. Cargean begins to head towards his tower, but turns back to Lazarus, One more thing. My knowledge of dragons is not nearly as encyclopedic as yours, are Copper Dragons one with Chaos?

    The fliers are offering 100 gp per Live shocker lizard brought to the castle.

    Cargean is also trying to find out if the dragon's have the chaotic type or subtype
    Last edited by Falconknight06; 2009-07-01 at 05:46 PM.
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