Quote Originally Posted by Innis Cabal View Post
"One thousand seven hundred and twenty. It was pretty violent. Cars...buildings. You even almost killed those young people several times. You were a complete monster. Don't worry though...they're comming to save you anyway. So why don't you turn yourself in and just relax. Chances are they'll get into Soul Society without my help...and you'll be safe. How was Raithe...by the way."

Giriko dosn't seem to be reading, just staring at the book
Shirubaru stares at Girikio.

No, he says, his voice breaking. You did this. You... you made me... you gave me the Hollow mask...

Oh gods. One thousand, seven hundred and twenty. No. No. This can't be - I can't have -

Oh gods. I hope there weren't... were there... children? Please tell me I didn't hurt any children.
There is a long pause. No. No. Don't answer that. A tear trickles down his face. Oh gods.

Raithe. Nukari. And now me. Look at me. Just another 11th Division killer. And... And I'm the worst one by far...
He sits with his head bowed.