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Thread: All's Fair in Love and War - IC

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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Copenhagen, DK

    Default Re: All's Fair in Love and War - IC

    It's a wonderful evening at the Lureba'an estate. You all enjoy the stark contrast of the luxury compared to what you've been used to for the last few years. For some of you, it's the first time you've ever experienced accomodation of this quality. The food is excellent, but to the surprise of everyone - even Riclail - it is wonderfully fragrant, seasoned with exotic spices unknown to you. According to Taurnil these are imported from the southern kingdom of Methia. Those of you who know a little about geography have but heard of this far-away land, its hot climate, and foreign architecture. During the last year, Methian spices have become something of a fad amongst the wealthy in Port Elektra in food as well as perfumes. Alessė voices a minor complaint about some nobles who take this too far, overpowering food with strong spices - perhaps the elven palate is less sturdy than those of humans. The meal you are served is certainly subtle and elegant in its composition.

    After dinner, you spend some time talking, telling the Lureba'ans about some of your more heroic deeds and generally relaxing with a glass of fine elven wine in the beautiful orchard. After enjoying the sunset together - it sets in the southwest, so the local stormclouds of the temple aren't in its way - you all find yourselves tired and go to sleep.

    You all wake up fully rested. It's been a long time since you've slept in real beds. After a warm bath and a light breakfast it's time to start the day. It's still a few hours to the ceremony at Gideon Square, which is is the central part of Part Elektra, about a quarter of travel time away.
    Last edited by RebelRogue; 2009-07-05 at 05:46 PM.