
Not finding any comfort in the guest house, Oliver moves out into the manor grounds at some point during the night. The provided bed was just too soft and filled with some kind of bird feathers... Roaming about the pseudo-forest for a bit, he finds a tree to sit against and falls asleep.

In his dreams, Oliver sees a coiled snake in the ocean, wrapped around stone and lightning. A wasteland far away engulfed in fire as the moon rises over the corpse of a dead unicorn. This wakes Oliver up, but he soon goes back to sleep and dreams the forgettable things humans often dream.

With the sun already up when Oliver gets up, the sorcerer instinctively looks around for what the scavenging party has found for breakfast. Realizing that there would be no more scavenging, he goes to find some actual foodstuffs. Able to find some eggs, day-old bread, bacon, and some things to make them a little better, Oliver starts up a small cooking fire.

He cooks without paying much mind to Ric'lail grooming his horse. The breakfast is given a clan kicker. The eggs are tinted red with some raspberry and the bacon is covered in pepper. The bread is fried in the bacon grease until it is crispy and the other foods are stuffed in the middle of the bread chunks. Not thinking he could be the only one eating, several breakfast's worth of food is now ready for consumption. Oliver leaves it in the pot, ready for his comrades.