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Thread: Twilight - Love it, or Hate it?

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    Barbarian in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Default Re: Twilight - Love it, or Hate it?

    This is the only one so far that you could have a case for, though with context (which I don't have) it could be refering to a metaphorical "predator" sparkle, or look.
    So... Just to make sure I have this right. All of these other references are metaphorical and the Twilight vampires sparkling IS NOT a metaphor. OR
    The Twilight vampires sparkling is literial, and all the other vampires sparkling IS NOT literal...
    wow that seems REALLY convenient for people who are disagreeing with me.

    "Well Lisiecki, your wrong because your wrong, the word 'sparkle' is a metaphor when we want it to be a metaphor, but literal when we want it to be literal"

    "Glowing yellow". It's the description of a colour. When you tell a pregnant woman she has a "glow" about her, you're not saying you could use her as a light source.
    Along with the glassy nails and the raident eyes, that is one glowy vampire, for a vampire that doesn't glow.

    "Sparkling eyes" is a metaphor for cheekiness, cheeriness, daring-do, happiness, excitement, etc. "Glowed", too, is not meant to be taken literally. Her eyes could not substitute for torches. They merely indicate interest, liveliness, attentiveness, alertness, etc.

    These are (almost) all ENTIRELY METAPHORICAL OR LITERARY TROPES. The Twilight vampires (so I'm told) literally sparkled. As in, the light reflected from their skin like sun on fish scales. If these are your only examples of a history of sparkly vampires then you are, to be blunt, wrong. None of the above sparkled anything even remotely resembling like the Twilight ones. The eyes is the closest, and that's still way off, even if I do take it literally.

    Nosferatu is another word for vampire. Maybe not widely known (I pretty much assumed the vampire in Nosferatu was called that, but seems I was mistaken), but still so.

    Finally: That was Dracula? I thought he looked like Dorian Grey from League of Extraordinary Gentlemen...

    Ok, so other vampires sparkle IN the light others, Edward sparkles, IN the sunlight but independently from the light.

    As for the Nosferatu comment, im still trying to figure out if the person who mentioned it means that the movie its self sparkles in the light.

    I have it on DVD, so, yes, my copy of the movie does sparkle

    Of course, considering I live about a half-mile from Detroit, this probably not surprising. Although that half-mile does put me in an entirely different country, so...
    Michigan is weird.
    My Dad grew up in a lower middle class home .5 miles from the tunnel, he has no accent, and is perhaps the most well spoken person I have ever meet with a completely neutral accent.

    My Mom grew up in an upper class home and has a slight Michigan accent.

    Im one of those people who picks up an accent in a few days where ever I am.
    Go to Georgia for a week? I have a southern accent.
    Go to Ireland for a wedding, I come home talking like im from there.

    In Michigan where ive spent 99% of my life, I take on all the worst aspects of the accent.

    And I drive at 90mhp down dirt roads.
    Last edited by lisiecki; 2009-07-06 at 12:16 PM.
    please excuse my splling, im dysgraic