
Astron turns to his companion and speaks in a low voice. You hear that? Something's in there, singing or summat. You got friends out here, dwarf?

We'd do well in there ourselves, under some cover. I say we get a look at them before they get a chance at us.

Astron readies his shield and kukri before giving his companion a long look from head to toe. What's he wearing? Any obvious weapons? How unprepared is he for this?

What're you good for, anyway? Keep back if you can't keep quiet or don't have the stomach for blood. In case you do...

Astron grins at the prospect of a good fight.


Astron will try to sneak up on whatever is making this noise. Astron has darkvision, so if it's close to total darkness, he will wait up to thirty minutes or whenever he detects the voices fading so as to grant himself a possible tactical advantage. If his dwarven friend seems to be making too much noise, Astron will insist that he stay behind once they get within 60 feet of their potential quarry.

Sneaking reconnaissance rolls:

Listen - (1d20+5)[9]
Spot - (1d20+4)[13]
Hide - (1d20+9)[14]
Move Silently - (1d20+13)[32]

In case they're needed to identify anything Astron sees:

Knowledge: nature - (1d20+8)[23]
Knowledge: dungeoneering - (1d20+3)[6]


Does the dwarf have a name...?