I'm not sure what the huge problem with Kore's shield is. In terms of defense we only ever see him use it as a bulwark to protect around ranged attacks, basically giving him a mobile something-that-covers-his-whole-body-allowing-him-to-fire-from-cover. In fact, we do see it hamper him somewhat when he can't quite react properly to the guys flanking him (he isn't able to turn and face them properly), and when we see the ogre attack him in melee the shield doesn't seem to do anything at all to help. It's somewhat problematic, and probably impractical, but it isn't the huge deal people are making it out to be, and it's portrayed in a fairly realistic manner as far as its capabilities.

Also, keep in mind that this was showcased at the same time that Fumbles took 1/11th of each character class to make a, "Totally legitimate first level character," and that a lot of the panels didn't have anything in them besides the people (no floors, walls, or background except for a flat color.) It's a different comic now.